To all the handbags I've loved before - Happy National Handbag Day! I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm happy to celebrate a day dedicated to my handbag collection. I LOVE handbags - To say it's an obsession is an understatement.
Here's a quick video to showcase my affection for handbags. Some of these handbags still grace my collection and others I sold to save money for new ones. It's a bummer to let them go, but if I had kept every designer handbag I purchased over the years, I would need another closet.
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To all the handbags I've loved before - Happy National Handbag Day! I had no idea this was a...
Dior Couer En Fleurs Book Tote
August 08, 2021
This Dior multicolor Couer En Fleurs embroidery small book tote is EXQUISITE! I purchased it in February AND was saving it for Summer vacation - The temptation to open the box was fierce. Since I'm not going anywhere this Summer (travel restrictions), I decided to pull the ribbon and open the beloved white Dior box.
This is my favorite Dior book tote so far. The detail is brilliant and I love that it says Christian Dior along the handle. Each side dons different details and the bottom is absolute Dior perfection. I can't wait to travel somewhere fabulous, so I can show off my gorgeous Dior Couer En Fleurs tote.
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This Dior multicolor Couer En Fleurs embroidery small book tote is EXQUISITE! I purchased it in...